Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Health Insurance

 Please note the difference between premiums and claims for advances even though these two concepts in the Health Insurance Act interrelate.

 Insurance means all year round as the amount charged in the annual accounts of insurance, which depends primarily on the level of real income (tax base), made taxable premiums for the relevant period, which is the calendar year in which the premium paid in the form of advances for insurance premiums.

 Prepayments of insurance premiums are only amounts remitted advance premium for each calendar month, which (under certain conditions laid down by law) set off in the annual accounts of insurance.

Prepayments of insurance premiums (the advances) are required to calculate, pay and pay:

a) staff

b) self-employed (self)

c) the employer;

d) the person called.

e) State

The employee (and employer) is calculated and the employer pays advances.
and called self-employed person. voluntarily unemployed are calculated in advance and are subject to insurance themselves.

For questions about paying premiums,in the price of a local call on weekdays from 8.00 to 18.00.

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